Out of the Wings

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El retablo de las maravillas (1610-1615), Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

English title: The Marvellous Puppet Show
Date written: sometime between 1610 and 1615
First publication date: 1615
Keywords: identity > class/social standing, identity > race, identity > hierarchy, family > genealogy, ideology > honour, ideology > religion and faith
Genre and type: entremés

In this one-act play reminiscent of ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’,  two swindlers trick the townspeople into saying they see an imaginary puppet show in order to prove their purity of blood. Things become violent at the end when a newcomer tells the truth: that there is nothing to see.


This play exposes the nature of the racial and ethnic prejudice in Cervantes’ society, based on the social codes of the purity of blood or limpieza de sangre. The Mayor and the Governor... (Read more...)


For the origin of the fable which is similar to ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ in Spain, and which is the dominant theme in this play, see Molho, 1976. It also appeared in a fourteenth-cen... (Read more...)

Critical response

Although not performed in his lifetime, the eight entremeses (one-act plays) Cervantes published have received plenty of critical attention in the 20th century. El retablo de las maravi... (Read more...)

  • Cervantes, Miguel de. 1987. Entremeses, ed. Nicholas Spadaccini. Madrid, Cátedra

  • Cervantes, Miguel de. 1998. Entremeses, ed. Florencio Sevilla Arroyo and Anonio Rey Hazas. Cervantes co... (Read more...)

Useful readings and websites
  • Gerli, E. Michael. 1989. ‘El retablo de las maravillas: Cervantes’s “Arte nuevo de deshacer comedias”’. Hispanic Review, 57, 477-92

  • Larson, Catherine. 1996. ‘The Visible and the Hidden: Speech Act Theory and Cervantes’s El retablo de las maravillas’. In El arte nuevo de estudiar comedias: Literary Theory and Spanish Golden Age Drama, ed. Barbara Simerka. Cranbury, NJ, Bucknell University Press, Associated University Press, 52-65

  • Molho, Maurice. 1976.  Cervantes: raíces folklóricos. Madrid, Gredos (in Spanish)

  • Reed, Cory A. 1992. ‘Dirty Dancing: Salome, Herodias and El retablo de las maravillas.’ Bulletin of the Comediantes, 44, 7-20

  • Wardropper, Bruce W. 1984. ‘The Butt of the Satire in El retablo de las maravillas.’ Cervantes, 4, 1, 25-33 [http://www.h-net.org/~cervantes/csa/artics84/wardropp.htm]

Entry written by Kathleen Jeffs. Last updated on 4 October 2010.

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