Cervantes, Miguel de. 1996. ‘The Divorce Court Judge’. In Eight Interludes, trans. Dawn Smith, pp. 7-20. London, Everyman
Cervantes, Miguel de. 2011. ‘The Divorce Court Judge’, trans. Oliver Mayer. The Mercurian: A Theatrical Translation Review, 3, 2
Mayer uses 12 actors and the doublings shown are for the characters used in both his translations of El juez de los divorcios ('The Divorce Court Judge') and Trampagos ('Dirty Fraud, the Widowed Pimp')
Cervantes, Miguel de. 1964. ‘The Divorce-Court Judge’. In Interludes, trans. Edwin Honig, pp. 27-38. New York, The New American Library of World Literature
Cervantes, Miguel de. 1948. ‘The Judge of the Divorce Court’. InThe Interludes of Cervantes, trans. S. Griswold Morley, pp. 1-19. Princeton, New Jersey, Princeton University Press [Note bilingual edition with the Spanish on facing pages]
Entry written by Kathleen Jeffs. Last updated on 24 February 2011.