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El juez de los divorcios (1610-1615), Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

English title: The Divorce Court Judge
Date written: sometime between 1610 and 1615
First publication date: 1615
Keywords: morality > vice-virtue, family > marriage, love > relationships
Genre and type: entremés

Four couples seek divorce, laying out complaints before the judge, but no matter how extreme the case, the judge rules it’s better to stay together.


The first couple to appear before the judge is an old man and his wife Mariana. She complains that he is too old to satisfy her any longer, and the old man is sick of her constant moani... (Read more...)


Marital strife has been the subject of popular comedy since the bawdy plays of Aristophanes and Old Comedy. The main causes of marital unhappiness in this play, namely the old age of t... (Read more...)

Critical response

It is notable that although the married couples in this play certainly have their problems, not one of them seeks divorce on the grounds of adultery, themes common enough in Cervantes’ ... (Read more...)

  • Cervantes, Miguel de. 1995. ‘Entremés del juez de los divorcios’. In Entremeses, ed. Nicholas Spadaccini, pp. 97-110. Madrid, Cátedra

  • Cervantes, Miguel de. 1998. ‘El juez de los divorc... (Read more...)

Useful readings and websites
  • Asensio, Eugenio. 1971. Itinerario del entremés desde Lope de Rueda a Quiñones de Benavente, 2nd edn Madrid, Gredos (in Spanish)

  • Beardsley, Jr., Theodore S. 1986. ‘Cervantes on Stage in the United States’, Hispanic Review, 54, 4, 397-404

  • Casalduero, Joaquín. 1966. Sentido y forma del teatro de Cervantes. Madrid, Gredos (in Spanish)

  • Gaylord Randel, Mary. 1982. ‘The Order in the Court: Cervantes’ Entremés del juez de los divorcios,’ Bulletin of the Comediantes, 34, 83–95

  • McKendrick, Melveena. 2002. ‘Writings for the Stage’. In The Cambridge Companion to Cervantes, ed. Anthony J. Cascardi, pp. 131-59. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press

  • Rozenblat, W. 1973. ‘¿Por qué escribió Cervantes El juez de los divorcios?’, Anales Cervantinos, 12, 129-34 (in Spanish)

  • Spadaccini, Nicholas with Talens, Jenaro. 1993. Through the Shattering Glass: Cervantes and the Self-Made World. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press

Entry written by Kathleen Jeffs. Last updated on 24 February 2011.

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